Overall, though, I was pretty happy with her. Gracie calls her "Padme"...
I tried Mel's instructions for knitting in the round for the next one. It will be Captain Jack Sparrow for Sean. I had to put him aside while I knit another one for the preschool auction, though. I'll work on him tonight. :)
So, the third dolly I made was for the auction. Only one person bid on her, but 2 people asked me if I could make them one. One woman said she would have bid if I had 2, since she's got 2 daughters. So, we'll see... It went for $25, and I felt badly, because I only had the one outfit for her. Luckily I know the woman who bought her, and I promised her another dress and at least one knitted item for her. I can't sew to save my life. I've tried 3 times to do the simple A-line dress and all 3 look terrible, for different reasons. Luckily my mom, the seamstress, is coming tomorrow for a bit. I'm going to cut out all the fabric and ask her to help. lol
SO anyway, here are a few pictures of dolly#3. I didn't name her. Special shout out to Mel who talked me through adding the eyes!!
Poor thing, waiting for eyes:
With eyes, and starting to put in the hair:
All done!
With her friend (big sister?) Padme:
Notice how Padme IS bigger. Odd, isn't it? Same kind of yarn, but done on different types of needles. Padme is now bald and in the process of getting a new do. I'll post pics when she's done! I also think I'm going to have to make one for Maddie. She loves them.
Oh, and I'm going to try a mermaid for Gracie's birthday. I've got a month. I better start now! LOL
I'm such an idiot! I forgot her pupils!
Oooh you are getting so addicted LMAO! They are adorable, and I love seeing someone else's spin on them. I get tired of seeing mine all the time! ;)
Ok, I love the Jack Sparrow doll! Totally adorable.
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