Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ron Weasley

He's done!! Lookie!!

He has no clothes, but he has a scarf, so he doesn't have to be nakey! (Well, not completely.) Notice his bellybutton is unravelling. lol!

I'm on the head part of Gracie's "Dorothy" and have just started an unnamed babe for the auction. Woohoo!!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Holy sheep!

So, I don't know how it happened, but my house is just littered with yarn. Seriously. It's in at least 5 rooms in the house. Problem is, I take it out, intending to knit with it, and then get distracted and never put it away. Nevermind that the closet where 1/2 of it is stashed is VERY hard to get in and out of. Oh well. The husband hasn't complained about it yet, so I'm not going to sweat it.

So, without further adoo, here it is:

In the closet

My "fun" yarn - sparkly, fuzzy, knobby:

Yarn for Harry Potter projects (Gryffindor and Slytherin colors)

Yarn for hats & dolls (babes). Notice the fuzzy pink yarn on the left. It'll be fairy hair. The beautiful oranges on the right will be mermaid hair.

Christmas-y yarns:

Basket full o' yarn and unfinished objects. Greenish yarn on the bottle is for mermaid tail.

And, my knitting "bag" - it's sturdy, stands on it's own, and I can take it anywhere. Take note of the babe in progress.

Another knitting bag I use, made by my friend, Jen:

And finally, some nostalgia... my first knitting bag, circa 1981. I was 12. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Yet more hats!

Okay, here is the latest I'm working on...

It's the same pattern as the other Pastel Marley, but in a different combo of colors. I'm about 1/2 way done.

And the smaller petal hat (with only one petal sewn on):

I got permission from the author of the patterns to use them for the auction, so I'm excited!

Next up is the scarf/bookmarks, and then I'm going to start making babes again! I'm inspired! Gracie wants that mermaid I've wanted to make her, and Maddie wants a Ron Weasley doll. LOL!