Saturday, February 9, 2008

Gracie's First Projects

So, a couple of days ago, Gracie was watching me knit, and told me she wanted me to teach her. Now, about a year ago, when she was 3 1/2 I tried, but it was frustrating. So, I looked up a few things online and decided to bite the bullet and see how we do.

Yesterday, I got out my size 10 wood needles and some colorful yarn, and we made a "scarf" for her doll. I cast on the stitches, then we knit together for the first row, and then she attempted the second row herself. We bound off together. Here's the finished product. She decided later to call it a caterpillar. :)

Today, I tried to teach myself to finger knit first. When I figured out it was pretty easy, I taught her. She got the hang of it and deemed it easier than doing it with needles. We knit the first few rows together, and she did the rest on her own for the most part, with a little guidance from me.

I have to say, she's just like Mama. She has great plans for all sorts of things she wants to knit, including a sweater for her big brother. lol

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Good for you, start her off young! ;) Her caterpillar is lovely, good job Gracie!

Have you ever tried doing this with her? Vid of Emma & Reid knitting